Who's apple of the eyes of a manager?
The smartest ? No . But I would say the best workhorse. The one who slogs his ass off to get the shit job done .
The nation's largest banker has a very strange policy. They pick up the best few from a young officers batch , make him believe he's special and post him in a single man branch. It sounds good to hear that you're running a branch alone . At the end of the day you're unable to avail leave, you've to sit long hours as there's no one else to run the show and top of it all you'll have to make sure branch is on profits & you feed the whims and fancies of the bosses.
The good part is the wise guys at the top knows you wouldn't complain as you're too eager to climb the ladder.
But it surprises me that the organization with a so called ethical mission , treats its staff with utter disdain and contempt. There's nothing to it apart from incentives and profits.
Another example was the chairman declaring Sunday ought to be made a working day. This coming at a time when there's a demand for 5- day working.
What comes first ? Employee? Profits? Customer?
health and satisfaction comes first